Sunday, June 26, 2011

2011 Sheep

2011 Lamb List
all ewes S'more stock unless otherwise indicated
SheltrgPines Corina X UTS Apache - black light badgerface ewe, moorit ewe, black ram
Spunky x UTS Apache  -  black ewe, moorit ewe, white ram
Fantasy x UTS Apache - moorit ewe, moorit ram
Smily x UTS Apache - mioget ram
Aster x Bramble McDreamie AI - spotted black kat ewe, spotted black kat ram
Coppelia x Bramble McDreamie AI  -  black kat ram, moorit kat ram
Waltz x UTS Emperor's White (B2) - black kat ram, white ewe, white ewe
Joyce, Petal, and Gypsy all went to Blue :(

                                    2010 Lamb List - now yearlings

Samba (Spunky x Bramble McDreamie AI) - white
Sonata (Spunky x Bramble McDreamie AI) - white
Tango (Fantasy Dance x Bramble McDreamie AI)  - spotted black katmoget
Toccata (Fantasy Dance x Bramble McDreamie AI) - spotted black katmoget
Arabesque (Coppelia x Bramble McDreamie AI) - moorit katmoget
Allemande (Coppelia x Bramble McDreamie AI) - black
Cotillion (SheltrgPines Corina x Bramble McDreamie AI) - white
Valse - (Waltz x UTS Broderick) - fawn katmoget

Here are the numbers on a few yearlings; the rest will be sent off soon. Though I couldn't care less about what a machine tells me, it's a scientific, hard-fact reference for what my fingers are feeling. And it gives anyone who's not able to touch the sheep some objective data, rather than relying on what one person says their hands are feeling - because everyone has their personal soft, very soft, not-so-soft, silky,  and all those other subjective, general terms.  I'm glad the SD's are pretty low  (silky/ smooth fiber), and they all spin finer than the actual micron (feel softer than they really are in numbers). Tango was the biggest surprise, as she was born with a hairy bithcoat (look at the picture at the top of the blog) that she didn't shed out, and yet is the finest in micron so far.


Arabesque - 22.4, 4.1, 18.3, 21.3
Cotillion - 22.0, 5.0, 22.8, 21.7
Sonata - 28.0, 5.5, 19.7, 26.9
Tango - 20.9, 4.6, 21.9, 20.5
Toccata - 21.2, 4.2, 20.0, 20.5
Valse - 25.2, 5.0, 19.7, 24.2

Some Pictures

Portrait of 'Peanut' (Waltz x Emperor's White)


Well, hello, Valse. She was headed towards me for petting, as usual.